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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Love For Nigeria

Nigeria i s a great nation filled with wonderful people... Thats the general statement anyway but people on the inside just say it to give themselves a reason to believe in the best and usually that is the easy part.

But in as much as majority of the populist do not believe this saying is true it is amazing to find that people that have read the history of Nigeria, mingled with the Nigerian culture probably in classrooms, play houses or groups have come to appreciate the richness of the Nigerian heritage. Well in another thought pattern this could be due to the syndrome of "the grass is greener on the other side" but then again we all know that Africa has the least greenest grass of the face of this rock called Earth.

Then it brings me to the question; why then do people that don't live here choose to see the best in Nigeria and we that live on the inside are scrambling to get out? It goes to show that on the outside looking in, there is a greater value that is not appreciated by those on the inside that is seen by those looking in... Nigeria 50 years and we still do not see a change. A friend has taught me that the change you are looking for starts from within, we must begin to see Nigeria in a better light and paint our nation in the once glorious splendor that once was, because in truth Nigeria is us (You and Me) and we must make ourselves better.

Nigeria a Great Nation, with Great People. Long Live Nigeria

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