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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Steps to take when you have an Asthma Attack

Hi there folks, readers and follower...The strangest thing just happened, my friend at work just broke down with an asthma attack and it was really horrible to watch her suffer like that and that is what inspired me to write this post. When i think of the fact that i also am asthmatic it just freaks me out to think... that what if i wasn't there or what if i didn't know these step? what would have happened?

Here are a few steps you need to take to guarantee your survival when you have an asthma attack;

1. Take one to two puffs of your reliever inhaler (usually blue), immediately.

2. Sit down and try to take slow, steady breaths.
3. If you do not start to feel better, take two puffs of your reliever inhaler (one puff at a time) every two    minutes. You can take up to ten puffs.
4. If you do not feel better after taking your inhaler as above, or if you are worried at any time, call for help.
5. If an ambulance does not arrive within 10 minutes and you are still feeling unwell, repeat step 3.

In the event that you do not have your inhaler, do the following;

1. Sit down in an upright position taking slow and steady breaths.
2. Call for Help (Remember not to panic)
3. Try to get hot water slightly diluted from a water dispenser and drink it in small gulps as often as possible.
4. AsK the helper to buy you an inhaler and remain calm till he/she returns. Repeating step 3.
5. Then use the inhaler as directed above.

It is usually advisable to learn how to swim, this can be helpful for breath control and it gives you the ability to hold your breath without causing yourself to panic.

Kindly like this and share it on facebook and twitter because you never know who might need the information.

So please till my next post please stay alive and help whoever you can with the steps described.


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